SOUNDGARDEN Members Team Up With BRANDI CARLILE For 'Record Store Day' Tribute To CHRIS CORNELL

June 2, 2020

For this year's "Record Store Day", the surviving members of SOUNDGARDEN have teamed with singer Brandi Carlile to record new versions of "Black Hole Sun" and "Searching With My Good Eye Closed".

The tribute to late SOUNDGARDEN vocalist Chris Cornell will be released as a 12-inch on September 26, which is the second of three separate "Record Store Drops" this year.

In addition to Kim Thayil, Ben Shepherd and Matt Cameron, Carlile worked with her frequent collaborators, twins Phil and Tim Hanseroth.

The songs were recorded at Seattle's London Bridge Studio, a legendary place that hosted both SOUNDGARDEN and Carlile early in their careers, along with many other Seattle music luminaries.

Carlile wrote about recording her early demos there with her band, saying, "SOUNDGARDEN were just gods to us back then. Total pioneers and unreachable to us in every way. We went about making our demos and cleaning the studio when we couldn't afford the bill never knowing that in November of 2019 we would go back to London Bridge and RECORD TWO SONGS WITH THEM!!"

Cornell was found hanged in his room at the MGM Grand Detroit hotel in May 2017, following a SOUNDGARDEN show at the city's Fox Theatre. His body was found soon after he had spoken with a "slurred" voice to his wife by phone. The death was ruled a suicide.

Last month, the surviving members of SOUNDGARDEN countersued Vicky Cornell and the Chris Cornell estate. The suit, filed in U.S. District Court in Miami on Wednesday (May 6),accuses Chris's widow of using revenue from a January 2019 Chris Cornell tribute concert for personal purposes for Vicky and her family.

The suit comes two months after the band asked a judge to dismiss Vicky Cornell's suit against them over possession of Chris Cornell's final recordings. Vicky claims "sole ownership" of the seven vocal tracks, which the band claims were meant for a SOUNDGARDEN album.

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The twins and I met in the late 90’s in a famous Seattle studio called London Bridge. The guy in the picture with me is Rick Parasher (RIP) and he introduced us. Soundgarden were just gods to us back then. Total pioneers and unreachable to us in every way. We went about making our demos and cleaning the studio when we couldn’t afford the bill never knowing that in November of 2019 we would go back to London Bridge and RECORD TWO SONGS WITH THEM!! @chriscornellofficial was as great as a human singer can get and now he’s an angel. Thank you Kim, Ben, and Matt. I’ll never forget this day for as long as I live.... stay tuned!! ? @soundgarden @themattcameron #kimthayil #benshepherd @londonbridgestudio

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